• +966 55 518 6136
  • inquiries@mile.org

Meeting Facilitation

Meeting Facilitation

At the core of MILE is a passion for facilitation and years of experience enabling groups to improve their business processes, innovate and envision the future – it’s what drove us to design and develop the premier brainstorming and decision making meeting software. It’s also the foundation of our support and services philosophy.
In the last few years, the global and dynamic nature of our world has obliged organizations to adopt new ways of working: virtual, cross-cultural and mobile groups no longer collaborate exclusively in a sequential, real-time way. Face to face meetings are being augmented or replaced by virtual, or even asynchronous meetings. Far from being a necessary evil, this new reality opens up amazing opportunities for rich and effective collaboration.
Our facilitation services include meeting design, meeting facilitation and facilitation coaching. We specialize in integrating collaborative technology with traditional facilitation best practices. We call this new way to facilitate groups ‘blended facilitation’. With each engagement, we look for opportunities to combine asynchronous intelligence gathering, virtual pre-work and meeting in-person into a participatory and productive event that generates high-impact results.
Sample Meetings We Facilitate
  • Strategic Planning
  • Process Improvement
  • Focus Groups
  • Conference Plenary Sessions
  • Project Reviews
  • Requirements Definition
  • Career Ladder and Performance Review Development
  • Use Case Modeling
  • Public outreach
  • Advisory boards
  •  Strategic Planning
  •  Social Impact Strategy
  •  Town Halls
  •  Executive Retreats
  •  Ideation & Brainstorming
  •  Issue Resolution
  •  Process Improvement
  •  Board Retreats
  •  Project Planning
  •  Team Building
  •  Conference Planning
  •  Business Planning
In most cases meetings can drone on and on and have everyone in the room wondering: why am I here in the first place?
Meetings fill an increasing number of hours in the workday, and yet most employees consider them as a waste of time. Whither it would be a strategic planning, process improvement, focus groups, performance reviews, or business planning, MILE can facilitate meetings to make them more effective, efficient, and are sure to leave your employees feeling energized and excited about their work. Our facilitation services include meeting design and facilitation coaching. We specialize in integrating collaborative technology with traditional facilitation best practices to ensure that your meeting is productive and generate high-impact results.


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